Yogi Roth: Croatia-a puke filled boat, free fun, wild islands & Game of Thrones
Over the Old City of Dubrovnik, Yogi Roth continues his LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS short travel series. In the third episode of this series you’ll find yourself on a boat from Venice, Italy to Croatia where the majority of passengers channeled their inner STAND BY ME and threw up all over the cabin.
Yogi Roth: Croatia-a puke filled boat, free fun, wild islands & Game of Thrones
Yogi Roth: Croatia-a puke filled boat, free…
Yogi Roth: Croatia-a puke filled boat, free fun, wild islands & Game of Thrones
Over the Old City of Dubrovnik, Yogi Roth continues his LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS short travel series. In the third episode of this series you’ll find yourself on a boat from Venice, Italy to Croatia where the majority of passengers channeled their inner STAND BY ME and threw up all over the cabin.